Tuesday 28 March 2017

Who has problem?

Today's Post:
Who has Problem?

Some analysts have suggested that the greatest problem of Nigeria is the political class probably because they lack the political will to bring change to our situation in the country. Politicians are the people at the helm of the affairs of a country and we have seen in many countries (e.g. Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia and China) how patriotic politicians have brought change in their country within a short period. A change that has benefited them and other citizens in the country. A change that has earned them and the citizens of their country respect in other developed countries of the world. But in Nigeria, our situation continue to be worse and many of us have since lost hope of witnessing development (in its real sense) at least in this life time.
However, who has problem, is it only our political class? I have always wonder about this and also got confused a lot of time. For example, I was one day in a cafe and some young military officers came in and start molesting the cafe owner over a very minor issue. I looked at them, most of them are not better than him in status. I have seen this all my life on our streets where people from a lower class of society but are opportune to wear uniform treat others like rubbish. Traders in the market jubilate by accruing huge interest through hiking the prices of commodities, knowing that it is poor people like them that will buy. I have seen some of my colleagues in the university who harass students who probably come from the same family background like them. I have seen drivers harassing one another on the road, we can go on and on. I then ask myself, if we are not good, how then do we expect our leaders to be good? May be these leaders are our replicates. Who has problem?

Dawood Abubakar PhD.

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